How to Add Facebook Stream to Your Joomla Website


Social Media is all over the place at this point.  Individuals and businesses from all over the web are realizing the potential of social conversation.  When it comes to bringing your Joomla website to Life and sharing your content you should probably consider adding a Facebook stream to your page.  There are many plugins and modules out there that can help you add a Facebook stream to your Joomla website although following these simple steps will help you add your FB page stream with an easy and give you some control over it as well.


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Joomla 1.5 & 1.6 Framework for Web Development

YJSG Joomla Framework

As an experienced Joomla web developer you may already know that the content management system in itself contains an extremely powerful platform geared towards the versed developer.  Out of the box Joomla 1.5 & Joomla 1.6 are fitted with powerful core options that can meet just about every website developed need and desire.  Although should you choose to get more creative and explore the full potential of the Joomla Content Management System then you’ll find that a framework may be a better choice for you.


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Upgrading Joomla 1.5.x to 1.5.22

Upgrading Joomla 1.5.x. to 1.5.22

As of 05 November, 2010 the latest version of Joomla 1.5.22 has been released.  While the beta testing of 1.6 continues and slowly underway to a public release the Joomla Bug Squad has identified potential security risks in 1.5.21 and previous version of Joomla.  While in most cases it isn’t critical for an update to the latest version of Joomla the Bug Squad highly recommends that everyone does indeed update their Joomla version to its latest release.  Updating your Joomla installation can truly be a 1 minute procedure with the help of one of its components.


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Building a Social Community Using Joomla

JomSocial Component for Joomla

The social media wave has taken over the World and remains to grow even more. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, & LinkedIN are only gaining more usage on daily basis. In order to properly and effectively community on these social media platforms you will need to ensure that your website provides plenty of valuable content to its visitors.  Joomla remains to be one of the best content management systems available today that can help you build your own social community.  Naturally it’s not something that you can whip up in one day and call it a final product.  This will require some basic knowledge of the Joomla! Content Management System before you can proceed any further.


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[HowTo] Setup Joomla 1.6.0 Beta 8 on Your Web Server

Joomla 1.6.0 Beta 8 Installation
It’s around midnight and I’ve been poking around this video for the last couple of hours.  I’m quite excited at the fact that the new Joomla 1.6.0 content management system is at its 8th Beta release.  Yep, almost to a public release!  I’ve been personally using this particular application since 2005 and have been very happy with its results on individual websites that I’ve worked on.  Whether you’re a novice or experienced web developer there’s a little bit for everyone in here.  Its navigation style is extremely easy to use and not to mention that you can setup the application itself in a matter of minutes in your web hosting environment.  Most web hosting providers even offer Joomla Installations using Fantastico which make things even easier.


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Cool Database Management Tool for Joomla 1.5.x

ArtAdminer for Joomla 1.5.x

I tend to spend hours on the webs just browsing and looking for cool things such as new effects and gadgets to use for Joomla 1.5.x websites.  Over the course of the last 5 years I’ve been very pleased with this particular content management system and yet to find a substitute for it.  On my latest journey thru the web while scouting cool new gadgets for Joomla 1.5.x I stumbled across one particular component that’s a must have for every Joomla web developer.  Before I jump into details about it let me give you a little bit of a background about this web application and its core structure.


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How to eliminate spam on your blog?

Akismet Plugin

Having a WordPress blog or “a” blog in general requires lots of maintenance and upkeep.  The continued contribution of content alone on regular basis needs dedication, time, and effort.  More content to you blog shows active status but can also gather the spam bots or spammers in general real quick.  Battling spam on your blog can be frustrating and cause alot of headache or unwanted content to show up on your blog.  Recently I had the opportunity to help a company out by showing them how to eliminate spam on their blog.


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Joomla 1.5 CMS: Template Installation Tutorial

Joomla 1.5 Template Installation

Installing your new Joomla website is only the first step toward unlocking the full potential of this amazing Content Management System.  Out of the box Joomla 1.5 comes with three pre-installed template themes that are ready to use.  When developing your own personal or commercial website using Joomla Content Management System most users are particularly concerned with the look and feel.  An attractive website will draw new visitors and appeal even better to your returning visitors.  It’s important that you find a template that includes all functionality that your website will offer to your visitors.  A two or three column layout template are most common nowadays as they provide a clean look and structure of your content.


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Staying Connected On the Web


The days of the regular rotary phone have long gone and surpassed.  In this day and age where technology controls and reflects communication it is important that you stay connected on the Web.  This is also an important factor in the way that you connect with your audience and potential new prospects.  Communication via VoIP (Voice Over IP) has to be one of the easiest communication inventions and also a supplement for regular phones….soon to come.


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