Getting started on the web opens doors to new opportunities and the ability to connect with your target audience. Your website is now visible in the virtual space and ready to take on the World. That’s great! Although in order to make the most of its money spent building and designing it probably lacks web traffic. Just like any other new website that launches into the web yours too most likely remains undiscovered. Nobody knows about it except your coworkers, friends, family, or other acquaintances. That simply isn’t enough though to generate revenue for your business.
One of the things you can do in order to create search engine visibility for your domain would be consider investing in a Search Engine Marketing campaign. What’s that? Search Engine Marketing is a form of internet advertising or also known as Pay-Per-Click Advertising. A way for advertisers and business owners such as yourself to promote their products and services to searchers on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, & Bing just to name a few most popular these days. These three search engines are actually the only ones that offer a Pay-Per-Click Marketing platform for advertisers to market with and provide information on their products or services. From a frontend standpoint by looking at a Search Engine Result Page (SERP) it’s identified as the Sponsored Links section located on the right hand side of your screen. A selection of ads targeted specifically to your unique search query term.
3 Types of Search Engine Marketing Platforms
Each individual advertising platform gives advertisers the ability to create ads based around their products and services. Advanced keyword research tools available inside each platform offer assistance with selecting the right terms for your business. When searches visit each individual search engine and perform a query your ads will appear under the sponsored links section.
- Google AdWords – a one of its kind advertising platform that lets business owners and marketers advertise on its domain at www.google.com Market your products and services to over 65% of internet’s users that utilize search in some way or another.
- Microsoft Advertising – an advertising platform offered by the Bing search engine. An unique opportunity to promote your business online and drive targeted visitors to your domain. Put yourself in front of approximately 30% of the World’s search engine users.
- Yahoo! Advertising Solutions – emerged as the first Pay-Per-Click marketing platform circa 1995 it slowly continues to dominate the online advertising space. Yahoo’s PPC platform gives you the ability to marketing your business in front of approximately 3-5% of the web’s search users based on latest market share statistics.
Which platform drives the most amount of targeted traffic? If you’re looking for large exposure the most visibility for your budget go with Google AdWords. While I hate to take sides in these kinds of situations it’s important to know from the start where most of your leads will come from and Google offers that ability.