Online networking has become crucial to any size business. Nowadays thru the means of networking you can create your professional network and acquire some targeted leads. LinkedIN is a network of over 90+ million professionals which are a part of this community for one reason – networking! With the exception of some niche industries you’re bound to find many working professionals that you can connect with and create your professional network around.
Reviewing Your LinkedIN Connections
If you haven’t done so already I’d suggest that you create your LinkedIN profile today and start exploring the World of networking possibilities. There are several different membership profiles that you can choose from including the basic. Choose from one that fits your needs although I’ll recommend the Basic Membership for those starting out with building their network. There are slightly too many add-ons and additional capabilities that are offered in the premium memberships and perhaps may be overwhelming for those just starting out. Pace yourself and take time to understand how LinkedIN works before you upgrade.
Now onto the million dollar question and the real reason you’re probably reading this blog post. I started out writing this post on reviewing your LinkedIN connections and geared toward those with 500+ connections on their profile. Yes, that is possible to achieve for those wondering how you get to be so popular and mighty. Although one of the things that I’ve heard commonly is the question “How do I find out how many contact I really have because it only says 500+?”. Well I hate to tell you this but if you have that many connections and you don’t know the answer to that question then return to basics. I’m here to save the day (again) and tell you how you can find out the number of your connections.
- Log in to your LinkedIN account
- Click on the ‘Contacts’ menu item then select ‘My Connections’
- View the number of your connections in addition to single entries
The steps outlined above aren’t the works of a rocket scientist by any means. After seeing one too many questions such as the one I’ve stated above I simply felt that it was time for it to be addressed. For those with 500+ connections shows on the public view of their profile here you will be able to see the actual number of your connections. Now that you know how can review your LinkedIN connections hopefully you will stay in closer touch with each connection.