I’ve always been a huge fan of Linux distributions and one in particular has been Ubuntu. In my opinion it’s one of the fastest and easiest of all distros to install and run. There are tons of features, reliable kernel, lightweight look, and much more that I’m sure you can benefit from as well. Recently I was searching on the web for a way to install Ubuntu inside a Windows 7 Desktop environment. Typically and in most cases you have to partition your current hard drive to create additional space for an additional operating system although the process that I’m about to show you below offers an alternative solution. If you’ve been curious to know how you can run Ubuntu simultaneously with Windows 7 on your desktop then hopefully the tutorial below will offer the right solution for you.
Ubuntu & Windows 7 in Coexistence
The short tutorial you’re about to view and exercise was performed in a Windows 7 Professional environment. To my knowledge this particular tutorial will work on your Windows Vista operating system as well. Your installation time may vary although for someone that’s somewhat tech savvy this should take you about 5 minutes to complete. For the non-tech folks I would expect this to take you no longer than 10 – 15 minutes.
- First you’ll need to download VMWare Player 3 as you’ll need this particular application to run Ubuntu as a virtual machine. Once you’ve finished your download run the .exe file and complete your installation process. You may be asked to REBOOT your computer so please do for changes to take effect.
- Once you’ve rebooted and back to your Windows 7 Desktop you’ll want to download the latest distribution of Ubuntu. This is a required file for the installation process. Be careful about choosing the right version of Ubuntu for your desktop based on your current Windows 7 operating system. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows 7 please download the 32-bit version of Ubuntu. You’ll save yourself some headaches. Save the file on your desktop as it’ll be needed shortly.
- NOTE: As of the date of this post the latest copy was Ubuntu 10.10 using a 32-bit version.
- Open your VMWare Player 3 and click on the Create a Virtual Machine link. You will be prompted with a New Virtual Machine Wizard window where you’ll be asked about the destination of your new virtual machine. Here you’ll need to select the Installer Disc Image File (iso) radio button and then Browse for the .iso file of Ubuntu that you downloaded in Step 2 above. Follow the instructions for the next couple of windows where you’ll be asked to create a username and password for your new Linux distro including allocation of space on your current drive.
- At the end of the installation you may be prompted to download VMWare Tools. Follow instructions and complete the download as prompted. Once your download has been completed and required files installed an Ubuntu login screen should appear on your desktop.
- You’ve successfully installed the latest version of Ubuntu in your Windows 7 Desktop environment.
If you have any further questions about this particular tutorial feel free to contact me for help. I’d like to state upfront that i do not support this particular software or operating system and that you’re performing this tutorial on your own risk. This was a fairly straightforward installation process for me although if you’re having difficulties getting this up and running I’d be more than happy to provide assistance.
Source: How To Geek