Today, I am Especially Thankful and Blessed

04/07/2020 4 min read

Today, April 7, 2020, I am especially thankful and blessed. It is my son’s fourth birthday.

This is a story of many stories to be told. It began in the year 2013.

In 2011 I met a beautiful gal by the name of Amanda. This was one of those beginnings that many people I knew thought that I was absolutely insane to be following along with. 

It seemed very sudden. Very unexpected to many people. Especially since I had just wrapped up a divorce with my first wife. I am going to spare the details of that though.

Does true love have perfect timing?

After my first marriage and then divorce, I was quite devastated. Probably even emotionally broken. So, suddenly this woman by the name of Amanda appears in my life.

She was quite skeptical of me say the least. I don’t blame her. Her ex-husband from a first marriage had cheated on her during their first year of being together. Talk about a clash on happiness.

Can you blame her for being so skeptical? Perhaps even negative towards other guys?

There was something about this woman that to this day remains unexplained. My intuition which has never failed me kept saying that this is the one. The rest, as they say, they lived happily ever after.

Amanda and I dated. Got to know each other. I proposed. We got married. The story wasn’t quite finished. Yet!

From day one I knew that she would be the mother of my children. As cliché as that may sound. When you know, you just know.

So, eventually, we found ourselves together, married, and ready to start a family of our own. It is one of the things that both of us wanted since we met. However, there was one problem.

After multiple attempts to conceive naturally, we found ourselves unsuccessful. This is where both of our lives got even more interesting. Immediately we consulted with a globally renowned Doctor, who specializes In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or otherwise known to many people as an infertility specialist. 

“Ovarian dysfunction.“ 

That was the exact diagnosis that my wife was given by our infertility specialist.

I would be lying if I didn’t admit to the fact that I tried holding back the tears. Our hopes of having a family of our own one day had just gone out the window.

There was good news though. IVF was an alternative option for us to try. It will give us a 40% higher chance of conceiving and a chance at starting a family of our own.

Bad news. Good news. Bad news, again!

The bad news was that we could not naturally conceive. The good news was that IVF was an alternative option. The bad news was that IVF cost was $15,000. It was also 100% out of pocket expense.

What happened after this remains a complete mystery to this day. This is why I am also sharing all of this with the world because it is the biggest blessing of money that I have ever experienced

$15,000 appeared over the course of the next couple of days. I know that it was a complete act of God because there is no other logical or even realistic explanation for that.

My wife and I went ahead and tried the IVF method. We happened to be extremely lucky to find out that we were pregnant with our firstborn little boy. 

Hudson was born on April 7, 2016. Absolutely perfect in every way. Healthy. Everything that we had hoped for.

Today is not only his fourth birthday but also a huge blessing to my wife and I. I am cognizant on a daily basis of what it took, what God blessed us with every single day. Although now that he is turning 4 years old, everything that happened in the past leading up to this day is even more sentimental for me personally.

Happy 4th Birthday Hudson! 

I love you more than you will ever know. It is my hope, my lifelong mission to always be there for you. Support you. Encourage you. Guide you. 

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