You're a "GOOD Guy!" - Intent, Truth, Righteousness

You're a "GOOD Guy!" - Intent, Truth, Righteousness

01/14/2020 • 4 min read

Recently someone complimented me by saying “You’re a GOOD guy!” and it really got me thinking.

You see, I’m not really good at accepting compliments. It’s probably because of the fact that I was bullied all throughout high school and in some retrospect of things, even to this day I underestimate myself. I believe that it’s a direct correlation to the low self-esteem issued I faced back in high school. 

So, when someone told me “You’re a GOOD guy!” a couple of weeks ago, I wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Naturally, I smiled, nodded my head, and spoke out verbally in some sort of acceptance. 

Let me share a quick backstory around this so you can paint a clear picture of the scenario.

About two weeks ago I met up with a fellow Arete brother. It was more of an official meet and greet than a networking thing.  

I offered to buy him a cup of coffee but the guy resisted. I mean, who doesn’t like free coffee, right?

We sat down at an open table inside the coffee shop and began to chat. You know, the typical type of stuff.

I shared a little bit about my background, where I was born, and how I got to doing what I’m doing today.

He also shared a little bit about his background, not so much about his personal life but definitely a lot more about his business life.

Our conversation spanned about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes at which point he said that he had to move onto his next meeting.

We both got up from the table and began our exit towards the front door of the coffee shop. Along the way as we walked adjacently, we kept making small talk. Perhaps it was just me really keeping the convo alive.

After exiting the coffee shop, we continued to briefly chat into the parking lot. You definitely know that you had a great meeting when the conversation continues out in the parking lot. Either that or there’s a sense of discomfort or uncertainty between one or more parties involved.

The guy I met with then said “You’re a GOOD guy!”.  I was quite pleasantly shocked but mainly because it was completely unexpected as I mentioned in the beginning of my article. 

That was quite the pleasant surprise and a great way to end our meeting. 

The Takeaways

There’s a few things I want to point out to you from this experience that you should take strong consideration in.

Regardless of your personal life or business circumstances, utilizing these recommendations will help you grow.

  • Always have good Intentions. It’s where initiative starts from. Make sure you follow-thru on those intentions though because if you don’t, they’re nothing more than wishful thinking.
  • Tell the TruthThe truth will always set you free, attract the right people in your life and business, and help pave the way forward in your journey. 
  • Do the Right thing! No matter what. Even the the rest of the world is against you. Doing the right thing is simply doing the right thing. 

There’s good people in this world. Not everyone is toxic. Recognizing the good people in your life will help you go further than many others.

This is what I learned from this experience!

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